Spring is springing and the temperatures are looking good, if only the wind would stop blowing. Most lawns are starting to look pretty green. If yours still has a few yellow patches, wait a couple more weeks before worrying too much. If you haven’t fertilized yet go ahead and put some down. Make sure you’re giving your lawn at least an inch of water a week. If you suspect grub damage, dig under the spots and if you have grubs they will be right under the roots. If you see grubs treat with dylox. If in 2-3 weeks you still have dead spots in your lawn you might have winter kill. Winter kill is typically caused by the long dry spells we have in the winter around here. These areas will need to be re-seeded.
Weeds are popping up along with everything else now. Ferti-lome Weed Free Zone is the best product to kill broadleaf weeds in the lawn, such as dandelions, bindweed and mustard. This product will not hurt your lawn and comes in ready to use or concentrated sizes.
Hi-Yield Killzall will kill the weeds in your driveway, rock and open areas. This product will kill anything that is already green and growing, but only kills what it touches. That means you can spray it near other plants and it won’t hurt them unless it gets on the leaves.
We are at peak selection right now for the economical 6-pack flower and veggie plants. If there’s something specific you’d like, now’s the best time to get it.
*We are open Mondays during our Spring hours (April 1st - May 23rd)
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