Now is a good time to start thinking about fertilizing your trees and shrubs. Jirdon Tree & Shrub Fertilizer is our favorite because it has a great formula for our region and encourages strong and steady growth. You want to spread the recommended amount around the dripline of the tree or shrub and water it in. This can be repeated in mid summer as well.
It’s also a good time to use Fertilome Tree and Shrub Drench to protect your trees from insects for the year. This product works well to protect your trees from types of borers, elm leaf beetles, aphids and many more. Mix this product with water and pour right around the base of the tree to protect your trees.
This time of year we talk a lot about preventing crabgrass, which is an annual grass that comes up from seed, usually around late May/early June. If you already have a weedy grass growing in your lawn, it’s not crabgrass, but most likely wild fescue. Wild fescue is wider bladed than your lawn and grows taller and faster than your lawn. It is a perennial grass that comes back from roots and there’s no way to prevent it. The best way to get rid of wild fescue is to spray it with Hi-Yield Killzall and reseed 2 weeks later.
We have a pretty good selection of perennial flowers in stock now. Onion and potato sets are starting to get low so if you want to plant those in your garden this year now would be a good time to pick some up.
*We are open Mondays during our Spring hours (April 1st - May 23rd)
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